Saturday 10 December 2011

What are the different ways you would consider sending data across pages in ASP (i.e between 1.asp to 2.asp) ?

public properties

ASP.NET supports three modes of session state:
• InProc: In-Proc mode stores values in the memory of the ASP.NET worker process. Thus, this mode offers the fastest access to these values. However, when the ASP.NET worker process recycles, the state data is lost.
• StateServer: Alternately, StateServer mode uses a stand-alone Microsoft Windows service to store session variables. Because this service is independent of Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), it can run on a separate server. You can use this mode for a load-balancing solution because multiple Web servers can share session variables. Although session variables are not lost if you restart IIS, performance is impacted when you cross process boundaries.
• SqlServer: If you are greatly concerned about the persistence of session information, you can use SqlServer mode to leverage Microsoft SQL Server to ensure the highest level of reliability. SqlServer mode is similar to out-of-process mode, except that the session data is maintained in a SQL Server. SqlServer mode also enables you to utilize a state store that is located out of the IIS process and that can be located on the local computer or a remote server.

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