Saturday 10 December 2011

SQL Server 2005

Database: Database is a collection of tables and relations.

Table:  Table is a collection of rows and columns.

Databases in SQL Server are classified into two types

1) System defined databases:  The databases which are created by Microsoft are called System defined databases

Ex:  Master, Msdb, Model, Temdb, Northwind

2) User defined databases: The databases which are created by developers are called User defined databases.
                                    Ex: College database, Hospital database…etc

Syntax for creating database:

                        Create Database <database name>

(<data file specification> )
log on
(<log file specification>  )

Data file: It is having extension .mdf. The data what we are inserting will goes to data file.

Log file: It is having extension .ldf, when we are performing transactions sql server uses the log files.

If we are not specifying data file &log files SQL Server implicitly creates it. Those data and log files are placed into SQL Server folder.
Example for Creating database:      create database college
Dropping database:     Drop Database <data base Name>

Ex:       Drop Database College
Creating a table:
Syntax:  Create Table <Table Name> (<Column name> <data type> <constraints>
                                                            <Column name> <data type> <constraints>)
Ex: Create Table Students(sid int,sname varchar(10),location varchar(10))
Inserting values into table
Insert into students values(10,'raju','Hyderabad')
Insert into students values(20,'Rani','Banglore')
Insert into students values(30,'Ravi','Delhi')
Updating table:
Update students
Set location='chennai'
Where sid=20

To view updated table: Select * From students
Example:  select sid,sname from students
Example:  select * from students where sid=10
Deleting table
delete faculty
Truncate table faculty
Both commands are deleting data of the table, but table definition will be existing
If you want to delete table definition also use drop command
Drop table faculty
Creating views
Ø  View is nothing but a stored query
Ø  View is a virtual table
Ø  View will not contain any data in it, it will contains only the SQL query
Create View <viewname>
<Select statement>

Create view studentview
Select sid,sname
From students
Executing views
select *
from studentview
Insert values into view
Insert into studentview values (15,'ravi')
            select *
from studentview
            select *
from students
Deleting data from view
Delete from studentview where sname ='ravi'
            select *
from studentview
            select *
from students
Deleting view using delete command
Delete from studentview
            Select *
from studentview
Insert into studentview values (15,'ravi'

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