Friday 6 January 2012

What is Encapsulation?

Encapsulation - is the ability of an object to hide its data and methods from the rest of the world. It is one of the fundamental principles of OOPs.

Say we create a class, named Calculations. This class may contain a few members in the form of properties, events, fields or methods. Once the class is created, we may instantiate the class by creating an object out of it. The object acts as an instance of this class, the members of the class are not exposed to the outer world directly, rather, they are encapsulated by the class.
Public class Calculations
  private void fnMultiply(int x, int y)
  return x * y;
Calculations obj;

int Result;
Result = obj.fnMultiply(5,10);

What is a class? What is a Base Class?

A class is an organized store-house in object-oriented programming that gives coherent functional abilities to a group of related code. It is the definition of an object, made up of software code. Using classes, we may wrap data and behaviour together (Encapsulation). We may define classes in terms of classes (Inheritance). We can also override the behaviour of a class using an alternate behaviour (Polymorphism).

It is important to note that a class is a Reference Type. To know about Reference Types, Click Here

A Base Class is a class that is inherited by another class. In .NET, a class may inherit from only one class.
To know about Abstract Class, Click Here

What is OOPs?

OOPs - Object Oriented Programming Languages & Systems
Everything in the world is an object. The type of the object may vary. In OOPS, we get the power to create objects of our own, as & when required. OOPs is a programming methodology where each entity is an object.
It is a method of computer programming where entities of related data together with routines associated with it are treated as one object in the program.