Monday 21 November 2011

DrawRoundedRectangle with individual radius for each corner

drawingContext.DrawRoundedRectangle() has an ugly limitation, that you can set the corner radius only for all four corners at the time. This function extends the drawing context by a new overload of the DrawRoundedRectangle() method, that allows it to set the corner radius for each corner individually.
/// <summary>
/// Draws a rounded rectangle with four individual corner radius
/// </summary>
public static void DrawRoundedRectangle(this DrawingContext dc, Brush brush,
    Pen pen, Rect rect, CornerRadius cornerRadius)
    var geometry = new StreamGeometry();
    using (var context = geometry.Open())
        bool isStroked = pen != null;
        const bool isSmoothJoin = true;
        context.BeginFigure(rect.TopLeft + new Vector(0, cornerRadius.TopLeft), brush != null, true);
        context.ArcTo(new Point(rect.TopLeft.X + cornerRadius.TopLeft, rect.TopLeft.Y), 
            new Size(cornerRadius.TopLeft, cornerRadius.TopLeft),
            90, false, SweepDirection.Clockwise, isStroked, isSmoothJoin);
        context.LineTo(rect.TopRight - new Vector(cornerRadius.TopRight, 0), isStroked, isSmoothJoin);
        context.ArcTo(new Point(rect.TopRight.X, rect.TopRight.Y + cornerRadius.TopRight), 
            new Size(cornerRadius.TopRight, cornerRadius.TopRight),
            90, false, SweepDirection.Clockwise, isStroked, isSmoothJoin);
        context.LineTo(rect.BottomRight - new Vector(0, cornerRadius.BottomRight), isStroked, isSmoothJoin);
        context.ArcTo(new Point(rect.BottomRight.X - cornerRadius.BottomRight, rect.BottomRight.Y), 
            new Size(cornerRadius.BottomRight, cornerRadius.BottomRight),
            90, false, SweepDirection.Clockwise, isStroked, isSmoothJoin);
        context.LineTo(rect.BottomLeft + new Vector(cornerRadius.BottomLeft, 0), isStroked, isSmoothJoin);
        context.ArcTo(new Point(rect.BottomLeft.X, rect.BottomLeft.Y - cornerRadius.BottomLeft), 
            new Size(cornerRadius.BottomLeft, cornerRadius.BottomLeft),
            90, false, SweepDirection.Clockwise, isStroked, isSmoothJoin);
    dc.DrawGeometry(brush, pen, geometry);

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