Tuesday 4 March 2014


DataView Object provides a window into a DataTable that can
be sorted and filtered using the Sort,RowFilter, and
RowStateFilter properties.It also contains the AllowDelete,
AllowEdit,AllowEdit, and AllowNew properties to constrain
user input as needed.

DataTable can have many DataView objects  assigned to it,
allowing the data tobe viewed in many diffirent ways
without requiring the data to be reread from the database.


DataTable customer = GetDataTable() //ur datable method
// add new datarow by adding the values
//Sort and display
DataView view = new DataView(customer);
view.sort = "LastName ASC, FirstName ASC, Salary DESC";
GridView gv = new GridView();
gv.EnableViewState = false;
// assing ur gridview to dataview
gv.DataSource = veiw;

# 1

data tables holds all the rows of the table where as date
view hold te filtered or reqired rows that are been retrived
on a particular condition

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