Tuesday 15 November 2011

Minimal Hardware and Software Requirements for WPF

Software Requirements

To run WPF on your machine you need to have at least the following software installed:
  • Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or higher
  • .NET Framework 3.0 or higher

Hardware requirements

There are no minimum hardware requirements for WPF. All the requirements comes from the complexity and effects used in your application.
You can take advantage of hardware acceleration when your graphics processor supports DirectX 9 or higher. I would recommend to look for a graphicadapter for which the vendor supports a WDDM driver.
Please note that some effects cannot be done in hardware rendering under Windows XP. For exmaple Windows with AllowsTransparency set to True and the use of BitmapEffects.

How to specify minimal hardware requirements

A simple way to specify minimal hardware requirements to ensure that your client has a good experience is the Premium Ready label from Microsoft. It ensures that the machine has at least the following equipment:
  • > 800MHz Prozessor
  • 512 MBytes RAM
  • A DirectX 9 capable graphics adapter

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