Saturday 1 October 2011

How can you specify remoting parameters using Config files?

Both remoting server and remoting client parameters can be provided through config files. Below is a sample of server config file which provides all remoting parameter values which we where providing through code.

<application name="Server">
<wellknown mode="SingleCall" type="Server.ClsServer, Server"
objectUri="RemoteObject" />
<channel ref="tcp server" port="9000" />

Later this config file can be loaded using the following code.
& "Server.config")

Same way we also have client.config file for loading the client remoting parameters.

<application name="Client">
<client url="tcp://localhost:9000/RemoteObject">
<wellknown type="CommonInterface.Icommon, Icommon"
url = "tcp://localhost:9000/Server/RemoteObject"/>
<channel ref="tcp client" />
client remoting can then load the configuration file by using :

Dim IobjCommon As CommonInterFace.Icommon
Dim StrData As String
Dim objServiceEntries As WellKnownClientTypeEntry()
& "Client.config")
objServiceEntries = RemotingConfiguration.GetRegisteredWellKnownClientTypes()
IobjCommon = Activator.GetObject(GetType(Icommon), objServiceEntries(0).ObjectUrl.ToString())
StrData = IobjCommon.GetValue()
Console.WriteLine(" Serve side Data is " & StrData)

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